Sunday, July 10, 2011

Invaders From Mars (1953)

Watched this back-to-back with Invasion of the Saucer-Men for a night of invading saucer-men. This one is totally serious, and pretty creepy. A kid named David sees a saucer sink into a sand pit behind his house, and everyone who goes to check on it comes back...different. They get sucked into the sand pit and have brain-control devices implanted in their heads! Holy crap. So he's got the problem of everyone who believes him getting controlled by the Martians, plus having to convince people who *don't* believe him in the first place. Wikipedia says that this film is unique in telling the story from the point of view of a kid in an adult world heading into crisis. Man, I can identify with *that*. The film is amazing-looking. It totally takes advantage of whatever budget it had, and it turns out really bizarre and otherworldly. Even the "regular" scenes on everyday Earth are weird. Which makes sense when you find out the final twist, which I'm not going to spoil. You need to see this. Dad tells me to avoid the remake from '86. I don't see how they could make this any better, even with better effects, so I might just follow his lead on that one.


  1. Love your review, Jupe! Think you've found your calling :)

  2. Hey! Someone found this thing! All this time, I thought I'd been typing to nobody except the handful of people I know face-to-face, and it gets to be a pain telling them about it. "Hey, I posted on my blog!" And they're all like "Yeah, Jupe, I'll check it out when my shift's over." And half the time, I've already told them all about the movies I'm writing about anyway, so it's kind of old news by that point. My dad tells me that even if nobody ever read this, that it's "good exercise for my critical thinking skills" or something like that, and that people actually reading it is just a bonus, but knowing that someone besides the 2 or 3 regular visitors is stopping by is a lot more encouragement to keep writing than "honing my reasoning" or whatever.

    First comment! All right! Now I gotta go show this off!
